It’s time for some straight talk about teaching English without a degree. It’s going to be difficult-really difficult because most of the jobs out there require a degree, and by most, I mean like 99%. So, you’re basically competing for that last 1%, and the news doesn’t get any better because someone with a BA will always get preference if they should happen to apply for that same job. However, teaching English without a degree is possible in some countries. It isn’t impossible, but it’s just going to be tough to get the job.

Teaching English without a Degree
Finding a Teaching Job Without a Degree: Difficult
The news is also a bit grim because you’ll sometimes have to work illegally because the government won’t give you a visa without that all-important piece of paper which can lead to huge problems for you down the road. For example, no health care coverage or no recourse in case your school decides to rip you off.
Plus, if you teach English without a degree, you’ll likely get paid less. I personally tell people without a uni degree who want to be English teachers abroad to just bite the bullet and do the time. It might be terrible, but you won’t regret it.
Seriously-almost nobody regrets having a university degree once it’s done.
Still Want to Teach English without a Degree?
Now, you still think you want to teach abroad without a degree. Here’s the deal. You basically have 5 options, so focus your job-finding efforts on these countries, and you’ll probably find something.
Good luck! And remember: university degrees rule all in the field of ESL, so go get one! Oh yeah, also consider teaching ESL online, where you might find a little bit more opportunity.

How to Teach English without a Degree
Where Can I Teach English without a Degree?
Here is a list of countries you might have a chance to find an English teaching job that does not require a university degree. Go through the list and see if you find a country that you would like to give a shot to!
China has a potential market for English teaching jobs both at the regional and the national level. About 300 million citizens of this country opt to learn English every year, which has made it necessary to hire teachers from abroad. In fact, a large number of foreign teachers with good English but without a 4-year degree are being hired and provided with several benefits and perks.
Nonetheless, a TEFL certification such as the CELTA is mandatory. If you’re going to get a TEFL cert. of some kind, it’s best to just do the CELTA because it’s by far the most widely recognized and reputable one throughout the world. Beijing – the capital city, and Shangai – the financial city, are the top places for English teaching opportunities, but you may also find some opportunities out in the countryside because more well-qualified candidates will pass up those positions.
Russia has emerged as one of the leading destinations for teaching English abroad. The demand for TEFL jobs has increased exponentially within the past few years. Though this country may not pay you as much as Korea or the Middle East, the competition to land a job here is comparatively lower. Also, the region is not expensive to live in as compared to its European counterparts. St. Petersburg and Moscow are the top destinations for teaching English without a degree.
In Spain, there has always been a constant demand for English teachers. Teaching English in Spain without a degree is not at all tough, and the locals are highly enthusiastic about learning English. People realize the importance of English as knowing it helps them find jobs in the fields of tourism, business, and education. You can find an array of English schools in Seville, Madrid, Valencia, and Barcelona, many of which will allow you to teach English without a BA.
Check out this video to learn more about teaching ESL in Spain:
Fluency in English is in great demand all over Mexico. This, in turn, has created several opportunities for teaching English without a BA. A majority of the citizens, including university students, school children, businessmen, etc., are very keen to study English. Due to the increasing demands for learning English, the government has passed a law recently to offer work permits to teachers with a formal TEFL certification and English skills.
South America
South America is perhaps the best place to explore your teaching talents without a degree. Places like Argentina, Peru, and Ecuador offer a variety of jobs for English teachers from foreign countries. These places do not require you to have a university degree or diploma. However, there’s a potential downside to working in these countries. You end up getting paid less than in Middle Eastern or Asian countries. Costa Rica is one of the best places in the region to start your English teaching career without a degree.
General Tips about Teaching English Without a Degree
While you are focused on teaching English abroad and searching for jobs, it is extremely essential for you to acquire a TEFL certification, as it would immensely increase the probability of your employment. You could consider doing one of these courses: TEFL and TESOL Certifications.

Where Can I Teach English without a Degree?
Also, be aware of the school hiring seasons in whichever region you want to work. For instance, in South America, schools hire teachers during March/April, while in Europe, it is typically between September and January.
Starting work as a volunteer in schools, where your basic needs are taken care of, would be a great way to explore further possibilities with respect to teaching English without a BA. So, go ahead and explore these regions to fulfill your dream of teaching English, minus the degree.
FAQs About Teaching ESL without a Degree
Check out the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding teaching English without a degree.
What countries can you teach English in without a bachelor’s degree?
You will have some possibilities of getting an English teaching job in the following list of countries: China, Russia, Spain, Mexico, South America, and India.
Can I teach English as a second language online without a degree?
If you do not have a university or college degree, online English schools are where you will have the biggest chance of getting an ESL teaching job. Although teaching abroad is also an option, it will be tough to find a decent job.
What qualifications do I need to teach English?
The most common qualifications that employers look for from English teachers are a university degree, TEFL certificate, and possibly some prior teaching experience. However, employers don’t always require all of these qualifications. Some employers in a more desperate environment will be satisfied if you have a TEFL certificate.
Teaching English without a Degree: Join the Conversation
Are there any places that teachers with a degree should consider? Let us know if you would like to teach abroad in one of the countries listed above without a degree. Leave a comment below. We’d love to hear from you.